E2 Visa UK


Unlock cross-border opportunities by investing in U.S. Franchises with the E2 Visa!

When it comes to investing in the U.S., the E2 visa stands out as the top choice—especially for those eyeing franchising. With its lower investment requirement and streamlined application process, it’s an accessible and efficient pathway. Franchising offers a proven business model, instant brand recognition, and robust support, significantly reducing the risks of starting a new venture.

But the benefits go beyond business; the E2 visa allows UK investors to bring their families to live, work, and study in the U.S., turning this opportunity into a gateway for a thriving business and a fulfilling lifestyle in one of the world’s most dynamic markets. Take the first step toward this incredible journey—explore the E2 visa and turn your vision into reality.

E2 Visa Benefits for UK Franchise Investors

E2 Visa for Canadian Investor | FranchiseVisa

Eligibility Requirements for UK Citizens Investing in Franchises

Substantial Investment in a Bona Fide U.S. Business

The investment must be substantial and directed toward a bona fide business, meaning an active commercial or entrepreneurial venture producing goods or services for profit.

The investment should be sufficient to ensure the business’s success and must be at risk, meaning it cannot be simply placed in a bank account or reserved funds. Generally, an investment of around $100,000 is recommended.

Active Management Role

As an E2 investor, you must actively manage and direct the business. This typically involves holding at least a 50% ownership stake, participating in significant decision-making, and overseeing daily operations. Passive investments will not meet the visa’s criteria.

Business Type

The business should not be marginal; it must show potential for growth and job creation, generating more than just minimal income for the investor and their dependents. The business should have the capacity to contribute economically to the U.S. market.

Source of Funds

The investor must prove that the funds used for the investment are legitimate. This involves tracing the origin of the funds to ensure they were obtained legally.


You must be a citizen of a treaty country with the United States, and the UK is one of these countries. 

Unlock Your U.S. Franchisee Potential

Ready to Explore U.S. Franchise Opportunities?

Unveil the realm of U.S. franchise opportunities waiting to be unlocked through the E2 Visa program. Handpick the ideal franchise that aligns with your vision and meets the E2 Visa requirements. Ensure your choice reflects substantial investment potential and job creation possibilities.

Contact FranchiseVisa to learn more and seize the opportunities that await!

E2 Visa for UK Franchise Investors | FranchiseVisa
How Can We Help You


We offer a cost-free and obligation-free service that enables you to explore business ownership with an experienced consultant who can coach you throughout the journey.

Individuals interested in making the leap from the corporate sector to entrepreneurship are connected with a top-tier consultant who offers a wide array of U.S. franchise opportunities to investigate.

Our Process

Conduct Interview

Our experienced consultant interviews you to evaluate strengths, weaknesses, and financial capabilities. This information helps us identify the most suitable business options that align with your personal needs and goals.

Visa Package Creation

We create a 200+ page Visa Package, expertly tailored to represent both your company and yourself to immigration officials. This package combines essential documents with a strong business marketing strategy.

Company Setup & Optimization

We also handle the setup of your company, focusing on optimizing your tax strategy. Our goal is to ensure your business is structured in the most advantageous way possible to meet your requirements and objectives.

Frequently Ask Questions

Essential FAQs for UK Investors

The E2 visa is a non-immigrant visa that allows UK citizens to invest in and run a business in the U.S. It provides benefits like a lower investment requirement, the ability to bring family members, and indefinite renewals as long as the business remains operational.

There is no set investment amount, but it should be substantial relative to the total cost of the business. Typically, an investment of $100,000 or more is considered sufficient, especially when investing in a franchise.

Yes, the E2 visa allows your spouse and children (under 21) to join you in the U.S. Your spouse can also apply for work authorization, and your children can attend school.

Franchising offers a proven business model, brand recognition, and comprehensive support, reducing the risks associated with starting a new business. It aligns well with E2 visa requirements and can help streamline the application process.

The E2 visa is typically granted for up to 5 years for UK citizens, but it can be renewed indefinitely as long as the business continues to meet the visa requirements.


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