Unlock cross-border opportunities by investing in U.S. Franchises with the E2 Visa!

E2 Visa for Canadian Investor | FranchiseVisa
E2 Visa For Canadian Investors

Invest in U.S. Franchises Through E2 Visa

The E2 Visa program offers Canadian citizens a unique opportunity to unlock cross-border potential by investing in and managing franchise businesses in the United States. This program not only benefits Canadian investors but also contributes to the growth of the local economy and provides employment opportunities within the community.

Under the E-2 visa, Canadians can immerse themselves in the dynamic American business landscape by committing a substantial amount of capital to a U.S.-based enterprise. Qualifying for this visa is straightforward; applicants must demonstrate access to the required capital, which can be confirmed through bank statements or property ownership records.

In essence, the E-2 Visa provides a thrilling pathway for Canadians to flourish in the U.S. market and embark on an exciting franchising journey.

Why Choose the E2 Visa Program?

Secure Your Future

Ensure financial stability and long-term security for you and your family.

Create Wealth and Opportunities

Unlock a world of wealth-building potential and seize new opportunities.

Build a Thriving Business

Establish and grow a prosperous business venture in the land of opportunity.

Live Your American Dream

Turn your dreams of living in the U.S. into a reality, surrounded by endless possibilities.

Start your Cross-Border Journey

Ready to Explore U.S. Franchise Opportunities?

Unveil the realm of U.S. franchise opportunities waiting to be unlocked through the E2 Visa program. Handpick the ideal franchise that aligns with your vision and meets the E2 Visa requirements. Ensure your choice reflects substantial investment potential and job creation possibilities.

Contact FranchiseVisa to learn more and seize the opportunities that await!

E2 Visa for Canadian (Flags) | FranchiseVisa
How Can We Help You

About Us

FranchiseVisa offers a cost-free and obligation-free service that enables you to explore business ownership with an experienced consultant who can coach you throughout the journey.

Individuals interested in making the leap from the corporate sector to entrepreneurship are connected with a top-tier consultant who offers a wide array of U.S. franchise opportunities to investigate.

Our Process

Conduct Interview

Our experienced consultant interviews you to evaluate strengths, weaknesses, and financial capabilities. This information helps us identify the most suitable business options that align with your personal needs and goals.

Visa Package Creation

We create a 200+ page Visa Package, expertly tailored to represent both your company and yourself to immigration officials. This package combines essential documents with a strong business marketing strategy.

Company Setup & Optimization

We also handle the setup of your company, focusing on optimizing your tax strategy. Our goal is to ensure your business is structured in the most advantageous way possible to meet your requirements and objectives.

Frequently Ask Questions

Essential FAQs for Canadian Investors

Yes, Canadian citizens are eligible to apply for an E2 Visa as Canada has a Treaty of Commerce and Navigation with the United States.

There is no specific minimum investment amount set by the U.S. government for E2 Visa applicants. However, the investment should be substantial and sufficient to start and operate the chosen franchise successfully.

E2 Visas are typically granted for both new and existing businesses. You can invest in an existing U.S. franchise or start a new one, as long as it meets the visa criteria.

There is no specific annual quota for E2 Visas for Canadian investors. The number of visas issued depends on the demand from eligible Canadian applicants.

Initially, E2 Visa holders can stay in the U.S. for up to two years. Extensions are possible, and you can continue to renew your visa as long as your business remains viable.


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